Paris Startups List

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ID 411262

Alexandre Bernard

Development addict. Perfection lover.

ID 650473

Anthony Guedj

ID 443515

Nicolas Taku Garnault

{Entrepreneur,Doer} by design

ID 537303

Matthieu Bertin

Founder @allship • Worked at @Qerros • Studied at @insa-rennes, @esc-rennes, @linkoping-university University

ID 343562

Ted Haile

Harvard MA (Mgmt), UCLA BS (Math/Econ), 10+ years of Software Development and IT Strategy Consulting. Strong Data Analysis/Business Integellience background

ID 640175

Thomas ANDRE

Founder Viciplace 2014 Worked at Nexity and GrDF as lead developer and scrum master via @openbridge Master of Computer Science at 3IL

ID 90754

David Esteves

Co-Founder & CTO at WiCastr

ID 435989

Gilles Laborderie

Founder @palico

ID 212415

Fabien Lafontaine

Founder Picmile

ID 694601

Sébastien Lorber

CTO at Stample. Full-stack web developer, functional programmer. Worked on high volume websites: @voyages-sncf-com @Digiposte @renault ...

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