Paris Startups List

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Meet 5 Product Designer View everyone

ID 577290

Jean-Christophe Denier

French Interaction Designer. Worked at Dassault Systemes, Orange.

ID 219979

Jonathan Levy

MSc @hetic, currently Product Designer @moodstocks

ID 154086

Julie Chabin

Founder of Kimd; Product Design @mention (former @dailymotion @deezer)

ID 535677

Gilles Bertaux

Worked at @totems-formerly-nitrogram, @balisik-art • Studied at @audencia-nantes, @hetic-college

ID 694604

Ghita Benotmane

Normalienne (ENS de Lyon). UX Designer, Information architect. Studied design, philosophy, cognitive science. Human Computer Interaction PhD candidate.

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